January 1st, 2020 was the start of a new year and a new decade, which will probably see lots of changes in IT. With that in mind, here is a guide on how to identify the best data recovery services in 2020 and in the future.
Look for local services
When the internet first started, many people were very excited about the global opportunities it offered. These opportunities are still there, but increasingly the international character of the internet is having to be balanced with concern for national laws, especially when it comes to the protection of personal data.
What this means in practical terms, is that it’s increasingly advantageous to work with local service providers. For example, if you’re based in Sacramento CA, then you want to look for data recovery services in Sacramento CA. That way, you’ll know that your data recovery service is operating under the same set of local laws as you and that any disputes between you will come under the jurisdiction of your local regulators/courts.
Look for clear indications of standards
On a personal level, it may be fine to “take things on trust”, but in business, there is increasing emphasis on due diligence and fact-checking, basically making sure that a company really can walk the walk and not just talk the talk.
Given that the essence of compliance (and legal defense) is essentially being able to show that you’ve done the right thing (or, at a minimum, to show that you gave the matter due consideration and had solid reasons to believe that you were doing the right thing), there is now a lot of emphasis on getting objective evidence of standards, which often, although not necessarily always, means looking for certifications whenever it is reasonably possible.
In the context of data recovery, for example, you would typically want to look out for hygiene certifications. At present, the standard hygiene certificate is ISO 5 Cleanroom. This may go up to ISO 4 Cleanroom. In any case, it’s hugely important to ensuring that any data recovery service is operating to the highest standards of hygiene as even a tiny dust mote can be enough to destroy a hard drive (and its data) if it reaches the inner workings.
You also want to look for clear evidence that a data recovery service implements robust security, both physical and digital. They are basically going to be looking after your data, albeit temporarily, so they need to be up to the task of keeping it secure.
Robust digital security is built on a foundation of robust physical security (and effective staffing practices) and if you’re using a local data recovery service, then it should be relatively easy to get a feel for how seriously they take security. Their address itself could give you a pretty good clue. For example, a “local IT guy” working from home is unlikely to be able to implement the same standards of security (or hygiene) as a company working in a proper industrial zone.
Look for evidence that a data recovery service can move with the times
In a commercial environment, data recovery is likely to mean getting recovering data from a failed hard drive, more specifically a failed mechanical hard drive. Going forward, however, there’s likely to be a move towards greater use of solid-state drives. They may not take over completely, but they are likely to form a much larger share of the market and move into new niches such as servers and lower-end desktops, instead of being kept for laptops and higher-end desktops.
SSDs have a lot of advantages over traditional hard drives, but the process for recovering data from them is very different from the process for recovering data from mechanical hard drives. That being so, it’s a good idea to check if a data recovery service can already support data recovery from SSDs and, if not, whether or not they intend to develop the service in the future.
Likewise, if you’re a Mac user and happy with the platform, you will obviously need to check if a data recovery service can handle data recovery from Macs. You may also need to check if they can recover data from Mac SSDs or just Mac hard drives. If the latter, then you will need to see if they are likely to support this option in the future as Apple is very likely to move in this direction.
If you would like to talk to one of the best data recovery services in Sacramento CA, please click here now to contact Aperio.IT.
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