Right now, if you’re still using the traditional telephone network, you’re almost certainly paying too much for your calls. A switch to VoIP could save you a lot of money without compromising on service quality. With that in mind, here is a quick guide to finding a cheap VoIP service in Roseville.
Keep your initial implementation as small as possible
As a rule of thumb, your aim should be to replace what you have already. You can retire existing services if it’s clear they’re not being used. You should, however, only add new services if it’s clear that they can reduce costs in some way. Taking this approach not only minimizes your implementation costs, thus minimizing the time it takes to recoup the upfront expenses, but also helps to ensure that you have the widest possible selection of VoIP service vendors from which to choose.
VoIP and Fax over IP
Technically VoIP and Fax over IP (efax) are two different services. For practical reasons, however, they are often implemented at the same time. This means that many VoIP service vendors will happily support Fax over IP. If, however, you want to work with one which doesn’t, there are specialist Fax over IP vendors who can plug the gap.
Define your minimum service standards
Your minimum service standards need to cover bandwidth, VoIP technical requirements, security and compliance, and customer service and support. The basic idea is to set them at a level which means nobody can tell you’re using a VoIP service instead of a traditional landline.
Once you’ve set out what this is, you have to stick to it. This means it has to be the first point you check when considering a VoIP service vendor. If they cannot meet your standards, they have to be rejected. Don’t even look at their prices. A minimum is a minimum, no matter what else is on offer.
Similarly, it is vital that a VoIP service vendor can demonstrate acceptable standards in security and compliance. VoIP networks almost always transmit personal data. This means that data protection has to be a key consideration. Not only do you need to protect sensitive data appropriately, you also need to be able to demonstrate that you have protected sensitive data appropriately if you are challenged on it.
There are extra implications for recording calls, especially if you plan to store the recordings, which most companies probably do. Given that call-recording is becoming increasingly common, it may be best to look for a VoIP service vendor who can support it even if you have no plans to implement it. You may find that it becomes a necessity in the near future.
Think about what hardware you need and how to source it
At the back-end, you’ll need network infrastructure and at the front-end, you’ll need calling apparatus. You can opt to source these yourself or to look for a VoIP service vendor who will bundle them as part of the contract (or do a bit of both).
Unless you are running your own data center, you’re going to need some sort of managed-hosting arrangement for the necessary network infrastructure. Your choice is therefore between organizing the hosting and the VoIP service contract separately or looking for a VoIP service provider who can also manage your hosting.
If you already use directly-managed hosting and are happy with your current provider, you may just want to upgrade your service and look for a separate VoIP service contract. If you don’t, organizing your own hosting may give you a better financial deal with more control and flexibility but it also requires more effort. Overall, therefore, the more convenient solution may be the better choice.
At the front end, if you’re on a tight budget, you’ll probably want to build your deployment around softphones. These are provided by VoIP service vendors, normally for free or at a very low cost. You will, however, need headsets to go with them and it’s recommended to think carefully about whether to buy them upfront or to look for a VoIP service vendor who will bundle them as part of your contract.
Buying headsets upfront can be the most economical option if you can make a bulk purchase. The more headsets you need, however, the more of your cash you will need to commit to the purchase (or the more financing costs you will need to pay). Getting headsets (and other equipment) as part of your VoIP service contract may work out slightly more expensive, but it does allow you to spread the cost.
If you’d like to speak to one of the best cheap VoIP service partners in Roseville, please click here now to contact Aperio.IT.
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