An Introductions Of Cloud Services
Online storage is not the only capability of the “cloud’. Though online storage is the foremost offering of cloud service providers, it is only an example of what the cloud can do, for personal or organizational use.
Brief History Of Cloud Services
Back in the 1960s, the vision of an Intergalactic Computer Network was born, which was an idea of connecting everyone on the planet through computers. We now know this idea as the Internet, which is basically the “cloud”. By the late 1990s, a company by the name of Salesforce pioneered the utilization of delivery software services to others, which is the essence of cloud computing. The 2000s came with companies like Amazon and Google introducing further web services. The rise of cloud services providers ushered into the 2010s.
Different Types Of Cloud Services
Cloud service providers can do more than online storage for you and your organization. Especially with further discoveries such as cloud computing, cloud service providers would be able to help you decide what services are best for you aside from online storage. Though cloud computing is another topic on its own, here are its different types, their bottom lines, and why you should consider using them.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is simply cloud service providers outsourcing their own infrastructure. These infrastructure, hardware or software, have been pre-programmed for a specific use and becomes accessible through virtualized means. May it be for online storage or specialized programming, you are basically renting through the cloud.
Why Use IaaS?
Buying equipment or software subscriptions may be expensive and there’s the added effort of maintenance. Since you are only “renting”, cloud service providers will do the maintenance for you. Also, they will be the ones to take care of data in your online store if infrastructure problems arise. Since the infrastructure is theirs, they will look after it for you.
Platform as a Service (PaaS) looks like IaaS with an upgrade. Instead of the infrastructure for online storage and set programming, cloud service providers will give you computing platforms and other programming systems to develop personalized apps for your organization. Cloud service providers will also work with you in developing solutions so that your specific needs are met.
Why Use PaaS
Available apps in the market do not necessarily do the job for you, Most of these are made for general consumption. PaaS gives you the opportunity to make your own solutions according to how you see fit. Different organizations have different needs. PaaS stretches out the possibilities of cloud technology for your centralized cloud technology concerns. PaaS is a clear indication that cloud services are more than just for online storage.
The most known cloud service, Software as a Service (SaaS) is when cloud service providers give you fully-functional online-based applications for more massive use, like human resource management, web conferencing, and the like. While PaaS lets you develop solutions, SaaS uses existing solutions for your organization’s needs. These solutions utilize online storage and data processing altogether.
Why Use SaaS
The software offered by cloud service providers is scalable and flexible. You get to decide the extent of access to this software, and the range of the service they provide may be adjusted as you go. As the organization grows, so will the inclusion of online storage and the number of users of the software. Cloud service providers will do the adjustments as you see fit.
Recovery as a Service (RaaS) is what many need now more than ever. RaaS is an offering of cloud service providers to protect data and other functions from online attacks. Cloud service providers may assure you of information security through potent firewalls, anti-malware apps, and anti-hacking technologies. This service will also include backing up data and recovery means in case data is deleted or stolen. This service makes you feel secure about your online storage and functions.
Losing data and having to handle the intrusion of viruses, malware, and hackers is a big hassle. It will cause halts in productivity and added expenses of regenerating resources. Getting RaaS from cloud service providers almost acts as insurance for your online storage and functions. Being forward-thinking is what this service is all about.
Advantageous Choices Of Cloud Services
Being a departure from simple online storage, cloud service providers will give you more benefits than the specific services you acquire. Instead of buying lots of equipment, using cloud technology for online storage and app functionality saves you not only money but also the effort of updating and maintaining hardware. Cloud service providers are also experts in the field, so expect only the best service that will introduce you to the possibilities of cloud computing. These service providers will also be the ones to maintain the cloud services for you: updating online apps, strengthening protection from data theft, and many more. And since cloud technology is an ongoing innovation, expect that availing of cloud services means availing of its future advancements,
Final Thought
Cloud technology provides great promise for those who consider using it. Cloud service providers are the key for you to take hold of this innovation. Get more out of it than mere online storage. Cloud services can do a lot for you and your organization, all thanks to cloud connectivity.
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