Managed IT Security Services Providers in Sacramento

For many businesses, it can be easy to decide that you need to partner up with one of the top managed IT security service providers in Sacramento. It may, however, be rather more difficult to find one of the top managed IT security services providers in Sacramento. Fortunately, it can be done, and here are some hints on how to do it.

Start by clearly defining your needs and wants

You’re only going to find a company that can fulfill your needs and wants if you know what they are. This means it can save a whole lot of time (and hence money and frustration) if you’re clear about these right from the get-go. 

Make a list of candidates and check their websites

Managed IT Security Services Providers

If you’re looking for one of the top managed IT security services providers in Sacramento, then probably your first point to check should be whether a company is based in Sacramento (or at least has a presence in Sacramento) or if they just serve the Sacramento area. 

The latter may not bother you too much if the managed security provider is still fairly local, but you may find it quite frustrating if it emerges that a company is actually based on the other side of the country or indeed in another country but just happens to offer managed IT security services in Sacramento.

The second point to check is if the managed IT security services provider can support any relevant compliance programs. Even if you’re not, technically, in a regulated industry (and can ignore programs such as HIPAA), you may still need to think about programs such as PCI/DSS (if you process card payments) or GDPR if you work with customers from the EU. If you have any other “must-haves” then you’ll also want to make a point of checking whether or not any given company can manage them, otherwise, there’s no point in going any further on managed IT security services providers. 

The third point to check is the overall quality of their website. The aesthetics may be a matter of taste, but the practicalities should be of the quality you expect. All pages should load at a reasonable speed, (given your connection), it should be easy to navigate, all links should work, and the company’s contact details should be obvious. It’s also nice if there’s value-add content such as a good blog (as in one which provides genuinely meaningful content instead of just being a sales pitch).

Once you’ve had a look at the company’s website, you can have a further look around the internet to see if there is any interesting news or commentary about them. You can also try asking people you know to see if they are familiar with the company and have any thoughts on it.

Request more information proposals from up to 10 potential candidates

By this point, you should have a decent idea of which candidates could potentially do the job. The next stage is to confirm that the company does have the technical expertise you need and to start getting a feel for their corporate culture, in other words, whether or not they would be a good fit for your organization.

This initial contact is your opportunity to ask further questions about their organization, perhaps to expand on the information provided on their website. For example, you might want to know more details about the exact composition of their team and the various skill-sets they can offer. You might also want to know what experience they have with your specific industry and if they could provide any reference customers in your niche with the managed IT security services providers. 

Be aware that companies which receive a list of straightforward questions about their organization are more likely to be able to respond quickly than companies that are requested to put together a customized proposal specifically for your company. The latter should send a prompt acknowledgment and should set an expectation about when you’ll receive your proposal, but will usually need time to put it together.

Arrange a meeting with the most credible candidates

While these meetings are an opportunity to finesse the details of the proposal (it’s very rare for them to be completed right the first time), they’re usually more about the “human” elements. Essentially, you want to find out whether or not you’re likely to feel comfortable working with this managed IT security services provider over the long term. 

The key point to remember here is that you’re going for quality over quantity. It can be perfectly fine to go straight to one particular candidate if they stand out over the others. It can be the most effective use of your time and everyone else’s. 

If you’d like to cut to the chase and contact one of the top managed IT security services providers in Sacramento, then click here now to get in touch with Aperio.IT.

Managed it experts in sacramento