Managed IT services can be a huge benefit to SMBs. They ensure that essential IT infrastructure is kept in good running order so that companies can, literally, get on with their own business. Managed IT services work best if they are run as a genuine partnership, so it’s important to put a bit of time and thought into the selection process. With that in mind, here are some tips on choosing the right managed IT services partner in Woodland.
1. Put your own house in order before you even start looking
Managed IT companies take over systems that are already in good health and run them to your instructions. This means that you need to sort out any problems with your existing system as a prerequisite to moving to managed services. In fact, you might even need to upgrade your current infrastructure so that it meets the managed IT services company’s standards (which might sort out any problems you are experiencing).
It also means that you need to be prepared to instruct a managed IT services company as to what you would like them to do for you. This, of course, means being clear about your needs, wants, and budget. In particular, you need to make sure that you are clear about what is a need and what is a want. You also need a system to rank the latter by priority.
When setting your budget, remember to stick to what you can comfortably afford, keeping in mind that managed IT services is all about providing regular services for a fixed fee. Projects (including upgrades) and break/fix work are either passed back to the client or charged as an extra service. This means that it’s generally a good idea to have extra funds set aside and/or insurance to make sure that you are covered for them.
2. Take your time with each step of the process
The standard selection process for an IT managed services partner generally goes from long-list to short-list, to request for proposal, to interview to contract. On the one hand, you will generally want to complete each stage as quickly as possible. On the other hand, if you try to rush ahead then you easily find yourself passively skim-reading instead of actively checking and hence missing out on key details.
For example, if you just search on “managed IT services in Woodland”, your results are likely to contain managed IT service companies that are in Woodland (or at least near Woodland) together with managed IT service companies that offer services in Woodland but are actually based elsewhere. If you just skim-read the website, you might miss out on this distinction, but it’s actually very important.
If you opt for a managed IT services partner in Woodland (or at least near Woodland), then your contract will be governed by your local law and under the jurisdiction of your local courts. If, however, you opt for a managed IT services company that is based elsewhere, then you will almost certainly find that their service contract stipulates that it is governed by the laws in their state and that any disputes need to be settled by their local courts. This could end up placing you at a significant disadvantage.
In short, if something matters, keep checking it thoroughly up to and including the point where you receive what should be your final contract, and never be afraidManaged IT Services Davis to ask for written clarification and/or amendments.
3. Have a meeting with any managed IT services company you are thinking of hiring
A meeting with a managed IT services company is more than just a chance to go over the details of any proposal and have it clarified and/or updated as necessary. It’s a chance to find out about the human aspect of the company, which can be just as important.
In simple terms, managed IT services work best when they are seen as a partnership between equals. A good managed IT services partner in Woodland will learn your business and be able to help and guide you in your use of technology or, more accurately, in making technology work for you. They can easily become your unofficial CIO and hence you should use a similar hiring process.
You would never, ever hire a member of the C-suite without speaking to them directly and unless the circumstances were very unusual you would have that meeting in person. The same principle should apply to hiring a managed IT services partner in Woodland.
If you’d like to speak to an experienced managed IT services partner in Woodland, please click here now to contact Aperio.IT.
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